2020 FOI Liturgy Circle Calendar
Fellowship of Isis
Liturgy Study Circle
2020 Calendar:
Based on Noble Order of Tara and Isis of Alchemy degree work of the FOI Spiral of Tiamat and Star of Ishtar
Every second Sunday of the month. 2 pm Mountain / 1 pm Pacific Standard Time
FOI Hieroglyphs, Aset Shemsu, The Retinue of Aset
Free, all welcome attend or attune
Degree sponsorship offered via FOI Center(s).
Star of Ishtar of diagram from Gaea: Initiations of the Earth by Olivia Robertson, 1991
The 2020 FOI Liturgy Circle will enact the FOI liturgical rites by Olivia Robertson from Isis of Alchemy, Gaea: Initiations of the Earth, The Rite of Dana to also include one rite from Panthea being "Porta Mystica: The Oracle of the Goddess Dana".
The Goddess Dana from Introduction of "Rite of Dana" by Olivia Robertson via FOI Central
January Ray VIII:
“The Jade Pylon of Earth: Oracle of the Rainbow Goddess Tara” from “Isis of Alchemy”.
February Ray I:
“The Jade Pylon of Mars: Oracle of the Goddess Ama-Terasu No Kami” from “Isis of Alchemy”.
“The Rite of Dana”
April Ray II:
“The Amber Pylon of Venus: Oracle of the Goddess Atlanta” from “Isis of Alchemy”.
May Ray III:
“Isis and Osiris: The Judgment” from “Gaea: Initiations of the Earth”.
June Ray III:
“The Topaz Pylon of Mercury: Oracle of the Goddess Radha” from “Isis of Alchemy”.
July Ray IV:
“The Emerald Pylon of Jupiter: Oracle of the Goddess Sekhmet” from “Isis of Alchemy”.
“Tara and Lugh: The Ordeal of the Danaan Treasures” from “Gaea: Initiations of the Earth”.
September Ray V:
“The Obsidian Pylon of Saturn: Oracle of the Goddess Brigid” from “Isis of Alchemy”.
October Ray V:
“Porta Mystica. The Soul Enters New Spheres: Oracle of the Goddess Dana” from “Panthea, Initiations and Festivals of the Goddess”.
November Ray VI:
“The Opal Pylon of Uranus: Oracle of the Goddess Mumuna” from “Isis of Alchemy”.
December Ray VII:
“The Amethyst Pylon of Neptune: Oracle of the Goddess Ariadne” from “Isis of Alchemy”.
Olivia Robertson, Fellowship of Isis (FOI) Co-Founder and ArchPriestess, is the author of the Fellowship of Isis Liturgy. More information about the liturgy can be found here: http://www.foicentral.org/college-of-isis---creation-of-the-fellowship-of-isis-liturgy
Liturgy booklet links:
Gaea: Initiations of the Earth https://sites.google.com/site/fellowshipofisisliturgy/gaea-initiations-of-the-earth
Isis of Alchemy https://sites.google.com/site/fellowshipofisisliturgy/isis-of-alchemy-transformation-through-the-goddess
Panthea, Initiations and Festivals of the Goddess https://sites.google.com/site/fellowshipofisisliturgy/panthea-initiations-and-festivals-of-the-goddess
The Rite of Dana https://sites.google.com/site/fellowshipofisisliturgy/the-rite-of-dana
Artwork by Olivia Robertson from the FOI Liturgy Booklet covers, Star of Ishtar diagrams, and accompanying FOI Central Liturgy Art for booklets for 2020. Copyright courtesy and many thanks FOI Central for artwork from liturgy booklets. Permission accepted.