2015/2016 Liturgy Calendar
Lyceum of Isis of Uta, Druid Grove of Isis & Uta, Tara Priory of the Breath of Isis
Crone’s Hollow 2pm Mountain Standard Time, second Sunday of each month
2015 FOI Liturgy:
“Psyche, Magical Journeys of the Goddess”
by Rt. Rev. Olivia Robertson, Co-Founder Fellowship of Isis
Level “Divine - Dulce Domum (receiving communion directly from the Divine Source)
corresponds to fire (Qabalistic level of Atziluth)” Dulce Domum is colored Red to Violet. Dana (Land of Heart's Desire. Initiation) and Brighid (The Spear of Destiny. Fire)
“Magical Journey to The Galactic Dragon.” 4th Sphere ORACLE OF THE GODDESS TIAMAT
Ray I, Red, corresponding to Mars, Northeast
Magical Journey to The Winged Pegasus. Ray I ORACLE OF THE GODDESS CLEITO
Ray II, Orange, corresponding to Venus, East
Magical Journey to Cassiopeia. Ray II Ritual no. 9 ORACLE OF THE GODDESS ALA
Spiritual - Porta Mystica (awakening to our true spiritual path) corresponds to water
(Qabalistic level of Briah) Porta Mystica is colored Yellow to Orange, Brighid Facing the Goddess, Dana the Cauldron of Plenty. WATER
Magical Journey to The Radiant Sun. 3rd Sphere Ritual no. 3 ORACLE OF THE GODDESS HATHOR
Ray III, Yellow, corresponding to Mercury, Southeast
Magical Journey to Ursa Minor. Ray III Ritual no. 12 ORACLE OF THE GODDESS ADITI
Ray IV, Green, corresponding to Jupiter, South
Magical Journey to Sirius, Star of Isis. Ray IV Ritual no. 5 ORACLE OF THE GODDESS ISIS
Astral or Psychic - Flamma Vestae (awakening our psychic gifts) corresponds to air
(Qabalistic level of Yetzirah) Flamma Vestae is colored Blue to Green. Dana of the Paths of the Sun, Moon and Sky. Morrigan of the Sword of Light, AIR.
Magical Journey to The Triple Moon. 2nd Sphere Ritual no. 2 ORACLE OF THE GODDESS NGAME
Ray V, Blue, corresponding to Saturn, Southwest
Magical Journey to Ursa Major. Ray V Ritual no. 10 ORACLE OF THE GODDESS ELOHA
Ray VI, Indigo, corresponding to Uranus & Inner Sun, West
Magical Journey to The Southern Cross. Ray VI Ritual no. 6 ORACLE OF THE GODDESS HAUMEA
Physical - Alma Mater (awakening to our true relationship to the physical world)
corresponds to earth (Qabalistic level of Assiah) Inward around the spiral (to gradually awaken union with the Divine Source) Alma Mater is colored Violet to Indigo, Morrigan Gateway of the Sidhe, Earth. Tara of the Lia Fail, Stone of Destiny.
Magical Journey to The Matrix of the Earth. 1st Sphere Ritual no. 1 ORACLE OF THE GODDESS GAIA
Ray VII, Violet, corresponding to Neptune and Moon, Northwest
Magical Journey to Draco. Ray VII Ritual no. 11 ORACLE OF THE GODDESS ANAHITA
Ray 0 & VIII, White and Rainbow, corresponding to Earth and Pluto, North
Magical Journey to Aquila and Lyra. ORACLE OF THE GODDESS NU KUA
Psyche by Olivia Robertson FOI Liturgy
FOI Central: https://sites.google.com/site/fellowshipofisisliturgy/psyche-magical-journeys-of-the-goddess
Star of Ishtar – The Eight Rays
Star of Ishtar – The Four Levels
Psyche coverart by Olivia Robertson, courtesy FOI Central, used with permission.
"The Sphinx of Fortuna" by Olivia Robertson, FOI Central Copyright
2016 Fellowship of Isis Liturgy Circle
“Fortuna, Creation Through the Goddess”
By Rt. Rev. Olivia Robertson, FOI Co-Founder
Fellowship of Isis Liturgy
Always the second Sunday of every month.
All welcome to attune or attend in person.
Crone’s Hollow 2470 S Main St Salt Lake City, USA (Lyceum of Isis of Utah) 2pm Mountain
Isis Oasis Sanctuary 20889 Geyserville, California, USA (Lyceum of Isis Oasis) 1 pm Pacific
2016 Calendar:
January: The Tablets of Fate Ritual No. 9 Oracle of the Goddess Innanna
February: Pillar of Fire Ritual No. 11 Oracle of the Goddess Marama & Oracle of the Goddess Haumea
March: The Weighing of the Heart Ritual No. 7 Oracle of the Goddess Anahita
April: Throne of Destiny Ritual No. 4 Oracle of the Goddess Juno
May: The Power Users Ritual No. 3 Oracle of the Goddess Kali
June: The Plumed Serpent Awakens Ritual No. 8 Oracle of the Goddess Maya
July: The Shining Twins Ritual No. 10 Oracle of the Goddess Mawu & Oracle of the God Li-sa
August: Cone of Creation Ritual No. 12 Oracle of the Goddess Isis
September: Monkey Pilgrim Ritual No. 2 Oracle of the Goddess Nu Kua
October: Riddle of the Sphinx Ritual No. 1 Oracle of the Goddess Themis
November: The Rainbow Bridge Ritual No. 5 Oracle of the Goddess Nerthus
December: Cesara's Ark Ritual No. 6 Oracle of the Goddess Magna Mater
FOI Central Liturgy: https://sites.google.com/site/fellowshipofisisliturgy/fortuna-creation-through-the-goddess
Introduction to “Fortuna” by Olivia Robertson: https://sites.google.com/site/fellowshipofisisliturgy/fortuna-creation-through-the-goddess---book-introduction
Blessings of Isis of 10,000 Names